ANACARDIACEAE - - Cashew Family
American Smoketree (Cotinus obovata) - Erect shrub or small tree up to 32 feet tall, glabrous or nearly so; leaves membranaceous, obovate to oval or elliptic, sparsely silky beneath when young, becoming 1-2 dm. long; flowers dioecious, mostly abortive; flowering panicles 0.7-2 dm. long, in fruit up to 3 dm. long, with many plumose sterile pedicels accompanying the filiform fruiting ones; fruit obliquely reniform, reticulate, 4.5-5 mm. long.
Limestone woodlands and glades.
Habitat information from:
Weakley, Alan S., Flora of the Southern and Mid-Atlantic States, Working Draft of 21 May 2015.
The range of Cotinus obovata (American Smoketree)
Kartesz, J.T., The Biota of North America Program (BONAP). 2015. North American Plant Atlas. ( Chapel Hill, N.C. [maps generated from Kartesz, J.T. 2015. Floristic Synthesis of North America, Version 1.0. Biota of North America Program (BONAP). (in press)].
The Georgia range of Cotinus obovata (American Smoketree)
Zomlefer, W.B., J.R. Carter, & D.E. Giannasi. 2014 (and ongoing). The Atlas of Georgia Plants. University of Georgia Herbarium (Athens, Georgia) and Valdosta State University Herbarium (Valdosta, Georgia). Available at:
Guide to the Trees of North Georgia and Adjacent States
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